I build applications for the web!


San Francisco based software engineer!


"My goal is to advocate for my community with compassion by solving problems and building tools." -Clair Hawkes


Share BnB Application

Share BnB React front end | Flask back end - Engineered a full stack application in a team of two people in 3.5 days, including all planning and design. Created a Flask backend restful API and utilized Amazon S3 image file bucket, React front-end, and PostgreSQL database.

Warbler Application

Warbler - Multi-day exercise to extend a somewhat-functioning Twitter clone. Practiced reading and understanding an existing application, fixing bugs, writing tests, and extending new features.

Where To Find Me?


Linked In - Results-driven software engineer with strong experience in project management, development, and creative thinking. Values: Creative Thinking | Team Building


Github - JavaScript | Python | React | SQL - PostgreSQL | HTML | CSS | Git | GitHub React Testing Library | Node Express | Django | Flask | SQLAlchemy | jest | unittest |